Monday, April 13, 2009

Jail Diversion Options for Courts


Nationwide, jails are over crowded and increasingly costly. In addition they are becoming filled with individuals who also evidence significant mental health issues. CCA can help counties and municipalities by handling pre-trial detainees, community service candidates and night/weekend inmates who can be diverted to a CCA Cognitive Behavioral Program (or other option) at a fraction of the cost of incarceration. Many of our program options are based upon fees which are pre-paid by the offender rather than the Courts.

Our community-based program address’s criminal thinking that can help break the cycle of recidivism, alleviate jail crowding, improve public safety and cut costs. CCA programs are technologically advanced, smart, cost-effective, and easy to implement.

CCA engineers One-stop community-based programs to fit your needs.

AT CCA our Cognitive Behavioral Program for offenders is a one-stop community option for supporting supervision and treatment. At CCA, offenders can report for drug and alcohol screening, receive intensive case management, treatment and training. These programs break long standing criminal behavior with evidence-based practices.

Typical clients include:

* Pre-trial offenders motivated to avoid misdemeanor convictions

* Inmates nearing the end of their sentence who have a history of drug and alcohol problems

* Low-risk Post-sentence offenders who can be diverted to this lower cost option

* Post-sentenced offenders with a history of recidivism

* Post-sentence offenders with mental health issues

Benefits to Courts & Judges

* Clients in CCA programs cost the county a fraction of jail or self pay

* CCA programs can be rapidly implemented and extended for long supervision periods

* Reduces jail overcrowding by getting low risk offenders out of the system

* Targets criminal behavior and thinking before it becomes chronic

* Outsourcing to CCA allows counties to avoid staffing increases

* CCA Centers become positive hubs of activity for participants

* Supports community corrections by managing offenders for you

* Programs can be customized to local Court requirements

* Programs can be tailored for Individuals with Mental Illness

At our programs, CCA assesses client risk and needs, develops a behavior change plan, and delivers treatment and training in areas such as alcohol and drug abuse, mental illness, life skills, employment readiness, anger management, domestic violence, parenting and more.

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